Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow day!

We have received a solid six inches of snow on our porch in the last 36 hours, with no drifting. Parts of the Puget Sound have received even more.
While that doesn't seem like so much from a good midwesterner's perspective, it's more than enough to cause "Snowmageddon" out here. Everything is shut for the weather and you would be taking your life into your hands to attempt to drive anywhere. On the plus side, we have had some time to play in the snow and make little snow men and throw snow balls and generally get Peregrine out in the weather. He definitely wasn't sure about this "snow" business at first, but he has slowly come to enjoy it quite a bit. Except for walking in it - he doesn't like that at all.
It has been a lot of fun, and hopefully we'll have a few pictures for you all shortly.

PS - "snowmageddon" is actually what they call it on the news out here. Not "snow storm", not "blizzard", not "it's snowing", but "snowmaggedon". *gasp*..."more than four inches of snow"

1 comment:

  1. Now you need a little sub-zero temperatures with over 20 mph winds like we are currently having - - then you become reacquainted with winter. :-)
