Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week in pictures

Ok, well, it's only three pictures. But, this week was summer break from Peregrine's new school, so he got to spend the whole week at home. He spent a day with Grandma, a day with Auntie Lys and Uncle Billy, and a few days with Maia (his old nanny). What fun!
Maia grabbed a few pictures for us on her iphone. I have (somewhat remorsefully) opted not to include the picture of his 'epic poop' that she also sent us. I haven't checked with the others yet for photos.

Playing with some other kids at the new sandbox at Jefferson Park

Found a stump!

Saving the best for last...Peregrine got to get inside the fire engine! Note, the chief's truck also lives at this station. He's unlikely to let you forget that.

It was a pretty good week, though stressful for mama and papa - too much working! Capped off by a very nice weekend; more on that later, I hope.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

What's this, Papa?

Why, that's a slug, Peregrine!

Then, he asked Mama: what's it do, Mama?
We feed it to the neighbor's chickens, Peregrine!

Learning about new species and the circle of life all at the same time!

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pip on the water

A couple of weeks back Grandpa Dave brought his boat across and we got Peregrine out a couple of times. He loved it, of course, though perhaps the best thing about it for him was seeing the _other_ boats on the water. Once he was aboard Granda's boat he was much less interested in Grandpa's boat. So it goes, I guess!
Here he is with Grandma Pam, making ready to get underway...

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fun on the fourth

Headed up to Snoqualmie Ridge for their community Fourth-fest. Lots of kids, lots of stuff to do, lots of fun. There were five or six bouncy houses, slides, pony rides, petting zoo, RC car races, live music...quite the event. Peregrine's favorites were a) old-timey fire engine, b) circus train ride, and c) running around like a maniac. Pictures of the first two below...Not able to capture the moment for the third.

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Good times!

Peregrine is settling in to the new house almost with no notice. He does really like a few features: the "parking garage", the fact that his room is on the same floor as the living room (he can run to his room to get toys and bring them back), the "around and around" (circular plan of the LR, DR, and kitchen), and especially his new sandbox.
There was a small water feature in the yard when we bought it, and rather than keep it and have to worry about Peregrine falling in while in the backyard, we opted to fill it in with sand. He loves it!

Happy 4th, everyone!

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