Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fell Off the Blog

Well, We've fallen off the blog.  But are going to make a concerted effort to keep you all updated from here on out.  I will try to do weekly posts as Taj is very busy.  Unfortunately as you all know I am a bit of a Luddite. 
So Peregrine's big news is that he has two teeth sitting right under the skin.  His two upper front teeth.  I figure that they should break through the skin by Easter and he will look just like a little rabbit!   
He is doing lots of furniture walking, and has done some independent standing.  No crawling yet.  Though Taj did get him to tummy scoot across the bed room two days ago.  He also loves to swing at the park.  He gets an incredibly serious look on his face and just takes it all in.
You wouldn't think he was happy (At least I didn't) until you stop swinging him or make the sign for "get out".  Then he screams!  His will is developing....and it seems to be Rogerian.  Ufdah.
Pictures to follow soon.