Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy birthday, Peregrine!

Peregrine's first birthday was yesterday, and he celebrated it in style. We had a gathering of some local family and friends, gifts, pizza, beverages, and, of course, a big cake. Oh, and no afternoon nap. But who wouhld want to nap on their birthday! Pip also managed to get just the slightest of sunburns from *gasp* the sun, making its first appearance since...hmm...2007? That's what it feels like, anyway.
Peregrine had a lot of fun playing with his cousins James and Lana, and friends Anuk and Emmy. He also got to see his whole host of grandparents in one day - Grandpa Ben, Grandma Myra, Grandpa Dave, and Gramma Pam in person, and Grandpa Bruce, Grandma Biddy, and los abuelos via Skype. It was a very full day for him!
Our thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts, thanks to everyone who stopped by to enjoy the weather and wish our sweet boy a happy birthday!


1 comment:

  1. A proud grandpa14 June, 2011 03:41

    What an excellent birthday for a good-looking grandson!
