Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No poopy diapers!

Warning: poop story ahead

I don't know if we have shared this information or not. I know Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Bridget know, but just in case the information didn't make it into the grape vine...

Peregrine has a very distinctive sound he makes when he needs to poop. He started making it months ago. One day when Sky was at home with him, he started grunting and his face turned red and his eyes crossed a little, and she thought 'hmm...maybe he's pooping?' She quickly moved him to the bathroom, took off his pants, unbuttoned his onesie, took off his diaper, and plopped him over the toilet bowl. A few minutes later, her hard work was rewarded by his hard work and (almost) all of the poop in the toilet. Very little clean up!

That kind of started a trend. We have been keeping a close eye on the boy during the day trying to pick up on his pooping cues. He seems to have an especially generous portion of lower bowel; he typically goes three or even four days between poops. He has one good poop every few days and seems just right as rain.

We had a few misfires and have had a bit of negotiation in figuring out how to perch him on the toilet for pooping, but except for one catastrophic failure (I came home to Sky bleaching the bathroom and running all the towels and shower curtain through the laundry) it has generally gone pretty well. He has a little donut insert for the toilet, now, that he can sit on (and has a built in "deflector" for the pee that inevitably happens when he's 'pushin hard'), which is better than trying to keep him suspended over the bowl. He even gives us 'warning' grunts before he really needs to poop and we're convinced he 'holds it' until we get him over the toilet.

The upside? Neither of us has had to change a poopy diaper in over three months. Note, in this time we also have put him on a good portion of solid food, so his poop is no longer baby-fresh. His sleep schedule is back to strange. He's even getting a little fussy perhaps from teething.

But we have not had to deal with even a single poopy diaper in that whole time. Amazing.


  1. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you. But I hate you at the same time.

  2. Ah, a true Munson post. I wish we had figured this out! Thankfully, our diaper days are behind us! Maybe we'll get to see the little Pipster in action next week...and Niall and Liesa can pick up a few tips on the fine art of advanced-warning pooping for #2...
