Monday, August 2, 2010

Hard to believe, but he's 2 months old!

Amazingly, Peregrine turned 2 (months) on Saturday. Wow...8 weeks old already!

It was an exciting week for us. To start the week, cousin Nora and uncle Thaddeus (Tvor) came to visit. Nora and Pip are birthday twins - a few years apart, sure, but born on the same day! Pip was excited to meet cousin Nora, but I think Nora was even more excited to meet Peregrine. It was, however, not Pip's best day - in fact, he had what I think was his longest inconsolable crying session, clocking in at over two hours. This made it very difficult for Nora to get some good hugs and holding time in, but he was able to be nice at one point - long enough for a couple pictures at least.

Sky and Peregrine headed out the following day to the beach with her clan (Taj had to go to work). The had a blast, a grand old time playing in the sand and ocean, all the cousins in a big heap.

The day after, they all went out again, this time to the Snoqualmie River and hung out on the shore, kicking back all together and having a great old time. The day after, birth-class friend Amye and her son Abel came over to visit. Peregrine and Abel enjoyed each others' company quite a bit, and Sky and Amye went for a very nice walk.

Let's all runs together. I know that on Sunday, we went down to Seattle to visit with Eric and Sarah and baby Scout, and Sarah made us an incredible brunch. It was a very nice morning of hanging out and laughing and playing with the babies. Later that day, Great Aunt Erin, Great Uncle Dan, and Cousin Peter came to visit all the way from Minnesota! We had a wonderful dinner they brought from Bellevue, where they were staying.

As great as all that stuff was, though, the really cool happening was that Peregrine started smiling! Big old eyes-wide-open grins. Repeatedly! Very exciting! This is the first time he's started smiling consciously - he'd been smiling when he was asleep sometimes, but now it's very clearly in response to faces and events. He loves smiling at Froggie and Paul the Duck, and even at Momma and Poppa. He especially likes to smile when you stick your tongue out at him.

Anyway, that made for a great week - smiling and cooing is pretty darn cool. Undoubtedly, more things transpired, but honestly we're too tired to remember them.


1 comment:

  1. The weeks fly by, don't they?
    Looks like good family time - in the typical Washington sun :-)
