Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sun Hunters

Right around week 2.5, we heard on the news that the Seattle area set a new weather record for the most days between nice days (something like 275 days from 70F to 70F). Additionally, it had been gray, gray gray for months. We were starting to get a little stir crazy and needed to see some natural sunlight!

Fortunately, from Everett, the sun is usually just 1 1/2 hours away: all we have to do is make it over Steven's Pass and we are likely to encounter beautiful weather. So we decided, why not? We packed up Pip in his car seat, a diaper bag, Mumma, Puppa, and Grandma Bridget, and hit the road.

It was a pretty easy drive to the pass - Peregrine doesn't mind his car seat at all. We stopped at the Pass for a feeding (first roadside feeding!) which was still gray, but as soon as we dropped below about 3500 feet on the East side of the pass, the skies opened up and the sun came out. It was glorious. I think all four of us really appreciated it.

We drove to Leavenworth, WA, a total of about 1 1/2 hours, and when we got there we went for a very nice relaxed stroll in Waterfront Park. Then we grabbed a bratwurst and sat around in the plaza before doing a little bit of strolling through downtown and a little shopping. Leavenworth is a nice town for a break, especially if you don't go when the hordes of tourists are there.

After a couple hours, we headed back across the pass to the Gray Gray West Side Gray Area. Where it was gray.

Pip's first road trip, then, went exceedingly well - he enjoyed the trip out and about, was very content to be in his car seat (until he wanted to eat), and everybody had a good time. And even though we ended back up in the gray, our spirits were buoyed by our four or five hours of uninterrupted sun and warmth!


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