Wow. July was a busy month. Feels like we could hardly take a breath. Just a few of the amazing goings-on:
-Went to the Evergreen State Super Speedway for their July 4th extravaganza! Which was LOUD. Saw lots of racing, crashing, and Sky and Peregrine got to ride in a monster truck!
-Uncle Ziad, Aunt Amy, Cousin Willow, and Cousin Elliot came to visit for a few days as part of their cross-country trip. Lots of fun spending time at Alki Beach and Seward and Discovery Park. It was a really nice visit for all involved. I think the highlight for Peregrine was getting to fly kits at our park around the corner - Jefferson Park, which has been a popular kite-flying locale for generations! In a truly handy fashion, theres a very nice family who are often there selling kites, you know, just in case you forgot yours. :)
-Uncle Thaddeus, Aunt Erika, and Cousin Nora came for a few days the very next weekend. We had a great time showing them around the city, including Pike Market, downtown, and riding the Duck Boats! I don't think I've seen Sky and Tvor laugh so hard in my life - the driver was quite the character!
-Taj, Lysander, and Peregrine spent the day at the Dragon Boat Festival and the center for wooden boats. Those dragon boats are pretty fast and very cool!
-We all went to the ballpark to watch the Marines beat the Twins with our friends Jason, Kristin, and baby Morgan. Thanks to some quality noise-blocking earphones, Lysander and Morgan even had great naps!
Plus, of course, lots of stuff I don't even remember that well. A busy month for sure...
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