Friday, December 3, 2010

Singalong with Peregrine

Peregrine and Poppa have been playing some guitar and singing some songs. We've been trying to do lots of singing to the little guy, and most recently Poppa has been doing quite of a bit of guitar + singing with him. A variety of songs - classic songs, newfangled songs, thematically inappropriate songs - but lots of singing nonetheless (we figure he doesn't care too much about lyrical value, just tone, so...).
He shows a distinct preference for songs that are fast and upbeat (much akin to his taste of 'soothing' music, as it were), and also seems to particularly like it when Poppa sings "The Birthday Party" by Peter Mayer. Special thanks to Uncle Niall for teaching Poppa the chord progression.
As it turns out, Peregrine likes to sing, too! Quite often, he will "singalong with Poppa". Sometimes this lasts for one song, sometimes more. Occasionally he won't bother singing along at all, but that's increasingly rare.
Anyway, Poppa got home from work the other day and was doing some singing with the little guy, and Momma got some of it on video!

He does his singalong sort of a-syllabically, but since his general command of syllables is pretty low at this point, I figure that's OK. Even if Poppa sings words, he just kind of 'ahhhhh's'. But he can do it for a 20 minutes of singing or more. Cute!

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