Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eat your vegetables!

Peregrine is an OK eater, but he - like many three year olds - only wants to eat the yummy parts. In his case, that means he mostly doesn't eat vegetables. He's ok with broccoli and carrots, sometimes, but by and large getting him to eat even a single bite of his veggies is like pulling teeth.

The other night, though, I had a cunning plan. Capitalizing in his recent trend towards oppositional defiance, after we served the plates I immediately told him "Peregrine, you're not allowed to have any more vegetables. That's ALL you get!"

He looked a little confused for a second, and then started asking 'why'...but I could see the defiance building behind his glasses. Pretty soon he was loading his fork with veggies, and taking huge bites and mouthfuls of them. I relented slightly and said, well, if he eats them all then <i>maybe</i> he could have some more, but until he ate them all what was on his plate was all he was allowed.

Would you believe, he even had seconds? It was a veggie mix, so he even ate green beans - something he has never been willing to choke down!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Sky came home quite late, but Peregrine was still awake (because three year old). She had come downstairs to say hi to me, and grabbed a quick drink of my rye (Pritchard's, of which I think highly!). She went back upstairs to say goodnight to Peregrine, and when she snuggled in close, he said "Mama, something smells delicious!" She replied that she had just had a sip of my drink. "What's it called?" Whisky. "Can I have some?" Nope, it's a grown-up drink.

He wanted a couple stories and the usual stall tactics, but then he wanted to get in close and give her a nice big kiss right on the lips...suspicious. Then he made a face..."I like how whisky smells but not how tastes."

Ah, whisky. :)

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

The boys, by the numbers

Peregrine and Lysander had their check-ups on Friday. They're both doing just great and making big advances. The doctor was very impressed Pip could put on his own undies and pants, and Ly is really good at tummy time!
For those of you who just want absolute values: Peregrine grew two inches in the last six months, he's now 1m (3' 3.25") and gained a whopping half pound (!) in that same time; he's a 33 pound bruiser :) . He's about 80%ile height and 50%ile weight.
Ly is holding true to recent Munson/Klyn norms: 90%ile length, 30%ile weight, and 50%ile head. He's 15 1/2 pounds and 2' 3".

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

July, July, July!

Wow. July was a busy month. Feels like we could hardly take a breath. Just a few of the amazing goings-on:
-Went to the Evergreen State Super Speedway for their July 4th extravaganza! Which was LOUD. Saw lots of racing, crashing, and Sky and Peregrine got to ride in a monster truck!
-Uncle Ziad, Aunt Amy, Cousin Willow, and Cousin Elliot came to visit for a few days as part of their cross-country trip. Lots of fun spending time at Alki Beach and Seward and Discovery Park. It was a really nice visit for all involved. I think the highlight for Peregrine was getting to fly kits at our park around the corner - Jefferson Park, which has been a popular kite-flying locale for generations! In a truly handy fashion, theres a very nice family who are often there selling kites, you know, just in case you forgot yours. :)
-Uncle Thaddeus, Aunt Erika, and Cousin Nora came for a few days the very next weekend. We had a great time showing them around the city, including Pike Market, downtown, and riding the Duck Boats! I don't think I've seen Sky and Tvor laugh so hard in my life - the driver was quite the character!
-Taj, Lysander, and Peregrine spent the day at the Dragon Boat Festival and the center for wooden boats. Those dragon boats are pretty fast and very cool!
-We all went to the ballpark to watch the Marines beat the Twins with our friends Jason, Kristin, and baby Morgan. Thanks to some quality noise-blocking earphones, Lysander and Morgan even had great naps!
Plus, of course, lots of stuff I don't even remember that well. A busy month for sure...

July 2013

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Saturday, August 3, 2013


We went out last night for a celebration! We were celebrating Peregrine having 5 nights in a row without peeing in his bed at night. Four of those nights he went all night without peeing, and one night he woke himself up to go to the potty! Big deal for our three year old, so we went out to Lil Woody's for cheeseburgers and milkshakes, and then walked down to the cinema to see 'Turbo', about the snail who races in the Indy 500. While I would not necessarily recommend it myself, Peregrine thought it was great. (And thanks to his headphones, Lysander slept through almost the whole movie!)

Hooray for Peregrine!

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Or this way

Someone is ready for his saag...

Testing the new interface

Who likes chocolate ice cream (and, as it turns out, pinball machines)?

This guy!

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lorax fan

We've been reading a lot of The Lorax these days. I think it's rubbing off. He gets pretty irate about anyone 'hacking the trees to the ground', and his poor 'barbaloot suits' with crummies!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

a few pics

Busy busy weekend! We have a few pics up at my new attempted photosharing option...

There are pics in that stream going back to Christmas, I think.
Peregrine went to Grandma Pam's on Friday for the night so Sky and I could have a bit of a date night. We went and saw The Hobbit at last. Saturday we spent the morning doing projects like sorting baby clothes and the like...trying to get ready for Number Two! Sky went to Port Townsend as well so I got to play games with some friends and clean the house. Sunday did a lot of cooking, freezer sorting, shopping, and organizing. Monday fixed the car, Peregrine did gymnastics with Scout (the foam pit is his favorite), had lunch, moved furniture, and more house organizing. Lots of things to do!

Anyway, mostly wanted to share the pics for those of you who haven't seen them.