Saturday, December 8, 2012

For you last minute shoppers

It occurs to me at my list for Peregrine was a bit shy on some of his current favorite activities - lego, duplo, and playmobil. So...if anyone is still shopping for the holiday, there's a whole additional realm of options for you.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

So long, Pogo!

Sadly, and for a variety of reasons not the least of which was a court order, Pogo left yesterday for a new home. Peregrine was not exactly crushed. His exact words were "that's ok with me." Ah, the stoicism of youth! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Busy weekend

Somehow this weekend became very, very busy. Well, by our normal standards, anyway. Not a lot of pictures but I thought I would give you the brief rundown:
AM Peregrine's first-ever ice-skating lessons
PM entertaining and serving turkey at our house

AM braving the hordes and watching the parade downtown
PM aruchat shabbatt dinner at our friends Carolyn & Jonathan's house (with their daughters Natalia and Tamar)

AM trip to Bainbridge Island to ride the ferry- saw orcas! (sorry, no pics)
PM stump pulling (papa) and gardening (mama). Peregrine was most helpful with both tasks. I am still sore.

AM braving the hordes again - forgot to buy diapers last time. Then, hanging out at Seward Park for some running and playing time.
PM out for pizza with Eric, Sarah, and Scout, followed by the Wildlights at the Zoo, with Pip and Scout looking oh-so-cute riding in a wagon covered in blankets. Parents liked the lights displays and hot cocoa. Scout & Peregrine's highlight was of course the indoor snowball fight which was total chaos. (Snowballs were little puff stuffed things, no actual snow was involved.)

By the end of the weekend, we were all absolutely tuckered out. Fun times!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fun day!

Took Pip for his first ice skating today. He had a pretty good time! Then we had a very small and nice thanksgiving dinner with uncle loren and grandma pam, and we had a variety of folks stop by to visit but not eat. It was a good day!

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Visit with Grandpa Bruce

Grandpa Bruce made the long trip out to visit with us this last weekend, which was really nice for Peregrine (and mom & dad). Lots of time spent playing and visiting and going to parks and just having a great time. We spent some time at the library, and at Jefferson and Seward parks, and even went to cousins James and Vivi's birthday party at an indoor bouncy park. I think the highlight of the visit for Peregrine, though, was getting to sit on the couch and read books with Grandpa. Lots of books! What a great grandpa! We hope he can visit again soon!


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Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick or treat!

Managed to squeak in about an hour of trick-or-treating with Scout, Sarah, and Eric on Wednesday evening. Pippers dressed as a pumpkin at is request, Scout as a ghost. The first couple houses they weren't so sure of all this, but by the time the third stranger answered the door and gave them free candy, they were hooked. And pretty cute, too.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What we've been up to...

A handful of things over the past couple of weeks -
- Made a trip to a 'family fun farm' out near Issaquah, WA with Scout and Co. for some autumnal fun and, ideally, picking pumpkins. That was a blast, as the farm had a lot of different things to see and do. Less of a blast, since it was rainy, the train wasn't running, and the pumpkins were not so much 'you pick' as 'you select from the pile on the ground'. But we had a fun time, and Peregrine liked the animals and the train (of course, stationary though it was), and both he and Scout had an absolute blast in the hayloft. And afterward we headed to a separate pumpkin-picking area...which still wasn't 'you pick', but, meh, it worked. They had wheelbarrows and a field full of pumpkins so that worked out just great.
- Pippers has definitely learned about his pockets and he looks SO CUTE when he tucks his hands in them.
- Lots of time at the park and back...the other day he walked the whole way home from the park! That's a 10 minute walk for us adults, and it's the first time he has done this. Not only that, he carried a HUGE leaf pretty much the whole way. He's getting so big!
- Peregrine participated in pumpkin carving for the first time this year. I think last year he was...underfoot, but not really involved. This year he helped Mama carve a masterpiece!

We'll be trick-or-treating this evening with Scout, before Grandpa Bruce comes into town for a few days. Hopefully we'll have some more good pictures after that! Hope everyone is safe, warm, and dry out there!

October 31, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Big boy bed!

It's official: Peregrine is a big boy. Yesterday we made the trip down to IKEA to get him his new big boy bed. When we got home he helped papa pit it together, and last night he snuggled down in hos new blanket and slept all night no problem. How time flies!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oh yeah...

Also, this:

Due March 26!

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Biking on Orcas Island

Big weekend for us. Grandma Bridget is in town and Sky's friend Nicola had a wedding on Orcas Island. The last time we went to Orcas, it took us about eight hours of waiting in line for the ferry before we could leave. Tis timewe thought we would take our bikes over - no waiting!
Note, we're not really bikers. In any way. So our decision to bike from Orcas Village to East Sound, about ten miles of up-and-down each way, was perhaps a little ambitious.
But not too ambitious!

We had a lot of fun on the trip. Peregrine had a blast riding in his iBert (on my handlebars) and bike trailer. He also had a nice time at the beach and watching the ferry in and out of the wharf from our room.

We all had a very nice ride that was suitably exhausting.

On the way home, we picked up our new puppy, Pogo! He's a rescue, los mostly beagle, and very sweet.

Twenty miles of biking for us rookies left us all a bit sore, but happy. I think we were all proud of ourselves for making the journey. Special thanks to Loren for sourcing a couple extra bikes for us, and his roommates for sharing their bikes!

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

More pics!

I'm scraping together pics from my phone so far, there will be pics and movies from the camera as well.

Santiago del Estero 2

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Arrival in SdE

Some pics from the first few days on Argentina. I'm having some trouble with android apps and posting embedded slideshows from my phone, so this link is all you get. If anyone has some tips, let me know?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fair day!

Headed up to the Evergreen state Fair today with uncle Loren, uncle Billy, auntie Lys and the cousins. While the pigs, cows, sheep, goats, and pygmy goats were a big hit, the short track demolition races took the cake. Unfortunately, there was a late start to the event and we had to get home so momma could get to work, so we had to leave before the demolition derby itself. Oh well, maybe next year!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Couple of weekends ago we went camping at Dash Point State Park. It's a great little park - quite close to the city but is still one of the nicer campgrounds around. Lots of privacy in the campsites, good facilities, and there's a big beach on the Puget Sound that's just perfect for playing or hanging out.
Which is what we did! We arrived at low tide, with a huge expanse of beach to explore. Peregrine had perhaps the time of his life running around naked as the tide rolled in, despite that it was not so hot out that day. E probably spent three hours in the dwindling beach, and he was pretty much running around the whole time.
It was also a nice campsite, plenty of space but well insulated from its neighbors. Lys and Billy brought their canoe, and Loren brought a pair of sea kayaks. Because of some logistical issues, Peregrine did not get to ride in the canoe...but he did get to ride in a kayak! Which he loved, despite the look of intense concentration on his face.
All told, it was just a very nice weekend.
A few pics, courtesy of Grandma Pam...

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Saturday, August 11, 2012


It's a boy's best friend.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012


It's too hot to say too much, but hopefully it will suffice to say that the Blue Angels fly right over our house. And I mean that quite literally. Peregrine is torn between elation and terror, as these things -are-planes, after all, but they're wicked loud.

YouTube Video

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week in pictures

Ok, well, it's only three pictures. But, this week was summer break from Peregrine's new school, so he got to spend the whole week at home. He spent a day with Grandma, a day with Auntie Lys and Uncle Billy, and a few days with Maia (his old nanny). What fun!
Maia grabbed a few pictures for us on her iphone. I have (somewhat remorsefully) opted not to include the picture of his 'epic poop' that she also sent us. I haven't checked with the others yet for photos.

Playing with some other kids at the new sandbox at Jefferson Park

Found a stump!

Saving the best for last...Peregrine got to get inside the fire engine! Note, the chief's truck also lives at this station. He's unlikely to let you forget that.

It was a pretty good week, though stressful for mama and papa - too much working! Capped off by a very nice weekend; more on that later, I hope.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

What's this, Papa?

Why, that's a slug, Peregrine!

Then, he asked Mama: what's it do, Mama?
We feed it to the neighbor's chickens, Peregrine!

Learning about new species and the circle of life all at the same time!

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pip on the water

A couple of weeks back Grandpa Dave brought his boat across and we got Peregrine out a couple of times. He loved it, of course, though perhaps the best thing about it for him was seeing the _other_ boats on the water. Once he was aboard Granda's boat he was much less interested in Grandpa's boat. So it goes, I guess!
Here he is with Grandma Pam, making ready to get underway...

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fun on the fourth

Headed up to Snoqualmie Ridge for their community Fourth-fest. Lots of kids, lots of stuff to do, lots of fun. There were five or six bouncy houses, slides, pony rides, petting zoo, RC car races, live music...quite the event. Peregrine's favorites were a) old-timey fire engine, b) circus train ride, and c) running around like a maniac. Pictures of the first two below...Not able to capture the moment for the third.

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Good times!

Peregrine is settling in to the new house almost with no notice. He does really like a few features: the "parking garage", the fact that his room is on the same floor as the living room (he can run to his room to get toys and bring them back), the "around and around" (circular plan of the LR, DR, and kitchen), and especially his new sandbox.
There was a small water feature in the yard when we bought it, and rather than keep it and have to worry about Peregrine falling in while in the backyard, we opted to fill it in with sand. He loves it!

Happy 4th, everyone!

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Car show

Headed out today to meet Sarah, Eric, and Scout at the Greenwood Car Show in north Seattle. They didn't have a driving section (all the cars were parked) but we saw a lot of cool cars. And, bonus, bouncy castle and pony rides!

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good morning!

Gotta say, I don't think this is ever going to get old. From the living room...

We're finally starting to feel a bit settled, but there's lots still to do. Peregrine, of course, is doing just great with all of it. Probably better than us!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy birthday to me!

Spent my day at work. Came home to this, and ate Indian food on the floor. What fun!

Moving day is tomorrow. Wish Sky luck!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

He's so helpful!

Peregrine and Papa, polishing up the headlights on the Broken Car.

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